Rocking Horse, Wooden Horse, Wooden Toy, Wooden Rocking Horse, Children's Rocking Horse 96-223

Item number 96-223

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Adorable Wooden Rocking Horse for Safe Swinging for Toddlers

Suitable for children aged 12 months and up.

Make your baby happy... it's sure to work with this sweet wooden rocking horse. The design is child-friendly and cheerful. The mane made of cotton cords invites little hands to touch and hold onto it.
Your child can hold onto the handles securely, and the all-around railing keeps your little one safely on the horse. There are supports for your child's feet on the horse's legs, ensuring a comfortable seat.

As your child grows bigger and more confident, you can remove the railing, and your child can climb on independently.

Plywood treated with transparent water-based lacquer
Mane made of 100% cotton cords

Overall length of the rockers approximately 75 cm (29.5 inches)
Overall height approximately 55 cm (21.7 inches)
Overall width approximately 29 cm (11.4 inches)
Handle length approximately 11 cm (4.3 inches)
Seat height approximately 30.5 cm (12 inches)
Interior surface of the railing approximately 27 x 28.5 cm (10.6 x 11.2 inches)

The rocking horse is delivered unassembled.
Traditional craftsmanship, produced in the EU.

This product complies with applicable product-specific European guidelines.
The product is partially made of solid wood.
Applying force may cause wooden parts to break, posing a risk of injury.
Not suitable for children under 12 months and to be used only under adult supervision. There is a risk of falling.